ggplot2 - Create Elegant Data Visualisations Using the Grammar of Graphics
A system for 'declaratively' creating graphics, based on "The Grammar of Graphics". You provide the data, tell 'ggplot2' how to map variables to aesthetics, what graphical primitives to use, and it takes care of the details.
Last updated 2 days ago
24.86 score 6.6k stars 7.4k dependents 633k scripts 1.1M downloadsscales - Scale Functions for Visualization
Graphical scales map data to aesthetics, and provide methods for automatically determining breaks and labels for axes and legends.
Last updated 3 months ago
19.78 score 412 stars 7.8k dependents 88k scripts 908k downloadspatchwork - The Composer of Plots
The 'ggplot2' package provides a strong API for sequentially building up a plot, but does not concern itself with composition of multiple plots. 'patchwork' is a package that expands the API to allow for arbitrarily complex composition of plots by, among others, providing mathematical operators for combining multiple plots. Other packages that try to address this need (but with a different approach) are 'gridExtra' and 'cowplot'.
Last updated 4 months ago
19.51 score 2.5k stars 618 dependents 80k scripts 148k downloadsgtable - Arrange 'Grobs' in Tables
Tools to make it easier to work with "tables" of 'grobs'. The 'gtable' package defines a 'gtable' grob class that specifies a grid along with a list of grobs and their placement in the grid. Further the package makes it easy to manipulate and combine 'gtable' objects so that complex compositions can be built up sequentially.
Last updated 3 months ago
18.05 score 90 stars 7.5k dependents 4.2k scripts 898k downloadsggraph - An Implementation of Grammar of Graphics for Graphs and Networks
The grammar of graphics as implemented in ggplot2 is a poor fit for graph and network visualizations due to its reliance on tabular data input. ggraph is an extension of the ggplot2 API tailored to graph visualizations and provides the same flexible approach to building up plots layer by layer.
Last updated 11 months ago
17.34 score 1.1k stars 105 dependents 9.2k scripts 44k downloadsggforce - Accelerating 'ggplot2'
The aim of 'ggplot2' is to aid in visual data investigations. This focus has led to a lack of facilities for composing specialised plots. 'ggforce' aims to be a collection of mainly new stats and geoms that fills this gap. All additional functionality is aimed to come through the official extension system so using 'ggforce' should be a stable experience.
Last updated 11 months ago
16.31 score 917 stars 288 dependents 9.4k scripts 52k downloadsgganimate - A Grammar of Animated Graphics
The grammar of graphics as implemented in the 'ggplot2' package has been successful in providing a powerful API for creating static visualisation. In order to extend the API for animated graphics this package provides a completely new set of grammar, fully compatible with 'ggplot2' for specifying transitions and animations in a flexible and extensible way.
Last updated 11 months ago
15.70 score 2.0k stars 25 dependents 13k scripts 15k downloadssystemfonts - System Native Font Finding
Provides system native access to the font catalogue. As font handling varies between systems it is difficult to correctly locate installed fonts across different operating systems. The 'systemfonts' package provides bindings to the native libraries on Windows, macOS and Linux for finding font files that can then be used further by e.g. graphic devices. The main use is intended to be from compiled code but 'systemfonts' also provides access from R.
Last updated 3 days ago
15.63 score 95 stars 964 dependents 506 scripts 633k downloadssvglite - An 'SVG' Graphics Device
A graphics device for R that produces 'Scalable Vector Graphics'. 'svglite' is a fork of the older 'RSvgDevice' package.
Last updated 3 months ago
15.32 score 182 stars 221 dependents 4.8k scripts 71k downloadsragg - Graphic Devices Based on AGG
Anti-Grain Geometry (AGG) is a high-quality and high-performance 2D drawing library. The 'ragg' package provides a set of graphic devices based on AGG to use as alternative to the raster devices provided through the 'grDevices' package.
Last updated 15 days ago
15.17 score 174 stars 461 dependents 1.8k scripts 807k downloadstidygraph - A Tidy API for Graph Manipulation
A graph, while not "tidy" in itself, can be thought of as two tidy data frames describing node and edge data respectively. 'tidygraph' provides an approach to manipulate these two virtual data frames using the API defined in the 'dplyr' package, as well as provides tidy interfaces to a lot of common graph algorithms.
Last updated 12 months ago
14.97 score 548 stars 130 dependents 4.6k scripts 52k downloadsfarver - High Performance Colour Space Manipulation
The encoding of colour can be handled in many different ways, using different colour spaces. As different colour spaces have different uses, efficient conversion between these representations are important. The 'farver' package provides a set of functions that gives access to very fast colour space conversion and comparisons implemented in C++, and offers speed improvements over the 'convertColor' function in the 'grDevices' package.
Last updated 9 months ago
14.04 score 134 stars 7.8k dependents 160 scripts 724k downloadstextshaping - Bindings to the 'HarfBuzz' and 'Fribidi' Libraries for Text Shaping
Provides access to the text shaping functionality in the 'HarfBuzz' library and the bidirectional algorithm in the 'Fribidi' library. 'textshaping' is a low-level utility package mainly for graphic devices that expands upon the font tool-set provided by the 'systemfonts' package.
Last updated 3 days ago
13.38 score 19 stars 472 dependents 65 scripts 497k downloadstweenr - Interpolate Data for Smooth Animations
In order to create smooth animation between states of data, tweening is necessary. This package provides a range of functions for creating tweened data that can be used as basis for animation. Furthermore it adds a number of vectorized interpolaters for common R data types such as numeric, date and colour.
Last updated 11 months ago
12.66 score 399 stars 313 dependents 440 scripts 56k downloadsshinyFiles - A Server-Side File System Viewer for Shiny
Provides functionality for client-side navigation of the server side file system in shiny apps. In case the app is running locally this gives the user direct access to the file system without the need to "download" files to a temporary location. Both file and folder selection as well as file saving is available.
Last updated 2 years ago
11.68 score 198 stars 58 dependents 796 scripts 6.7k downloadslime - Local Interpretable Model-Agnostic Explanations
When building complex models, it is often difficult to explain why the model should be trusted. While global measures such as accuracy are useful, they cannot be used for explaining why a model made a specific prediction. 'lime' (a port of the 'lime' 'Python' package) is a method for explaining the outcome of black box models by fitting a local model around the point in question an perturbations of this point. The approach is described in more detail in the article by Ribeiro et al. (2016) <arXiv:1602.04938>.
Last updated 2 years ago
11.05 score 486 stars 1 dependents 732 scripts 1.7k downloadsscico - Colour Palettes Based on the Scientific Colour-Maps
Colour choice in information visualisation is important in order to avoid being mislead by inherent bias in the used colour palette. The 'scico' package provides access to the perceptually uniform and colour-blindness friendly palettes developed by Fabio Crameri and released under the "Scientific Colour-Maps" moniker. The package contains 24 different palettes and includes both diverging and sequential types.
Last updated 1 years ago
10.51 score 439 stars 6 dependents 2.0k scripts 2.7k downloadstransformr - Polygon and Path Transformations
In order to smoothly animate the transformation of polygons and paths, many aspects needs to be taken into account, such as differing number of control points, changing center of rotation, etc. The 'transformr' package provides an extensive framework for manipulating the shapes of polygons and paths and can be seen as the spatial brother to the 'tweenr' package.
Last updated 11 months ago
9.66 score 116 stars 26 dependents 808 scripts 13k downloadsggfx - Pixel Filters for 'ggplot2' and 'grid'
Provides a range of filters that can be applied to layers from the 'ggplot2' package and its extensions, along with other graphic elements such as guides and theme elements. The filters are applied at render time and thus uses the exact pixel dimensions needed.
Last updated 2 years ago
9.04 score 170 stars 3 dependents 452 scripts 1.1k downloadsmarquee - Markdown Parser and Renderer for R Graphics
Provides the mean to parse and render markdown text with grid along with facilities to define the styling of the text.
Last updated 2 days ago
8.04 score 86 stars 26 scripts 539 downloadsambient - A Generator of Multidimensional Noise
Generation of natural looking noise has many application within simulation, procedural generation, and art, to name a few. The 'ambient' package provides an interface to the 'FastNoise' C++ library and allows for efficient generation of perlin, simplex, worley, cubic, value, and white noise with optional perturbation in either 2, 3, or 4 (in case of simplex and white noise) dimensions.
Last updated 2 years ago
8.01 score 96 stars 2 dependents 956 scripts 1.3k downloadsfiery - A Lightweight and Flexible Web Framework
A very flexible framework for building server side logic in R. The framework is unopinionated when it comes to how HTTP requests and WebSocket messages are handled and supports all levels of app complexity; from serving static content to full-blown dynamic web-apps. Fiery does not hold your hand as much as e.g. the shiny package does, but instead sets you free to create your web app the way you want.
Last updated 12 months ago
7.69 score 246 stars 33 scripts 407 downloadsparticles - A Graph Based Particle Simulator Based on D3-Force
Simulating particle movement in 2D space has many application. The 'particles' package implements a particle simulator based on the ideas behind the 'd3-force' 'JavaScript' library. 'particles' implements all forces defined in 'd3-force' as well as others such as vector fields, traps, and attractors.
Last updated 2 months ago
7.19 score 119 stars 43 scripts 290 downloadsdensityClust - Clustering by Fast Search and Find of Density Peaks
An improved implementation (based on k-nearest neighbors) of the density peak clustering algorithm, originally described by Alex Rodriguez and Alessandro Laio (Science, 2014 vol. 344). It can handle large datasets (> 100,000 samples) very efficiently. It was initially implemented by Thomas Lin Pedersen, with inputs from Sean Hughes and later improved by Xiaojie Qiu to handle large datasets with kNNs.
Last updated 12 months ago
7.14 score 152 stars 75 scripts 823 downloadsroutr - A Simple Router for HTTP and WebSocket Requests
In order to make sure that web request ends up in the correct handler function a router is often used. 'routr' is a package implementing a simple but powerful routing functionality for R based servers. It is a fully functional 'fiery' plugin, but can also be used with other 'httpuv' based servers.
Last updated 2 years ago
5.30 score 56 stars 24 scripts 751 downloadsreqres - Powerful Classes for HTTP Requests and Responses
In order to facilitate parsing of http requests and creating appropriate responses this package provides two classes to handle a lot of the housekeeping involved in working with http exchanges. The infrastructure builds upon the 'rook' specification and is thus well suited to be combined with 'httpuv' based web servers.
Last updated 2 years ago
5.30 score 39 stars 2 dependents 17 scripts 781 downloadsdevoid - A Graphic Device that Does Nothing
Provides a non-drawing graphic device for benchmarking purpose. In order to properly benchmark graphic drawing code it is necessary to factor out the device implementation itself so that results are not related to the specific graphics device used during benchmarking. The 'devoid' package implements a graphic device that accepts all the required calls from R's graphic engine but performs no action. Apart from benchmarking it is unlikely that this device has any practical use.
Last updated 2 years ago
4.25 score 22 stars 16 scripts 147 downloads